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Writer's pictureThe K Cafe

A tale of hair cuts.

Okay, I've heard friends say that every woman targets her hair after every major shift or something going wrong like losing a job, major fight with friend, breakups or even dealing with grief. So here is a list of hair cut stories.

June 2010 I had, for the first time grew enough hair (Iam telling I grew but as my grandma always says 'Its just hair...It will grow), to wear a two plait to school. It was short, and in a way cute too, even to my memory. That summer I fought with my father for a reason I don't remember. Foggy memory. I went straight to his room, picked up a scissor and whoosh, all my hair was on the floor. Then I had to be dragged to Ma's parlor aunty to get my hair and face 'lookable'

November 2012 This guy in my class was the new representative, I hated him. He hated me. The usual drill, nemesis cliched stuff (but now we are friends) The fight to death and slaps to red was on that day. My headmistress who was a right bitch suspended me for slapping her. Wow, what an event. Badass feeling me walks to school bus, gets down and goes home. Only for my Ma to tell me that I won't get any ice cream for a year and get hit well. My shoulder length hair is cropped to neck length. Well that day, dad and me were happy (he took me out for Ice cream and my ma threw is dirty looks) , he always loved when I was a little scary.

December 2014 I had a ride or die friend. She was everything and the best companion to do anything stupid or scary. We ended up fighting over a boy and damn it was worser than a freaking break up. No sleep or food for days. There I took the scissor and yes another cut. My hair flew past my hips and now it stood waist length. Only good thing I didn't have to wear a two plait and fold it up with a ribbon again. Must have looked damn funny when I think about it now.

November 2017 Cliched college stuff. The senior junior ego issue and me being the egoistic git I was who was inspired by watching shitty movies and fuelled with lot of gut, got into a fight with the huge of the hostel senior. Me being a new kid, didn't know it would spread like fire and all their friends from the guys hostel would come too. Guess what I did, of course the cutting hair business. But not my hair, that entitled git infront of me got the front of his head shaved by my electric body shaver and that senior bitch's long her was a barely altered pop cut when I left the college. Me after watching too many Tamil movies left college like ' why would you suspend me. Watch me fucking drop out'.

August 2018. For some stupid reason I had jumped from a train. Rolled on to the platform, bleeding on a kerchief a friend had given. My arms and knee was kinda messy and I have always hated physical pain. One drop of blood and one injection I'll cry. Yeah, for someone who is sometimes scary, this is little cat behaviour. Got back to my hostel and a few days went by. One day the pain was too fucking much and I went straight to the huge mirrors before my room and chopped my hair. ( I was not able to lift my hand to wash my hair. The wound was on my elbow and it fucking opens up and bleeds like once in half a year because I didn't let the doc stich it up ). The other friend who came with me on that train jumping day, a beloved roommate then dragged me to the parlor to make sure my hair was not pointing in different directions. Hence waist length hair is shoulder length now.

August 2019.

I was wondering that I hadn't chopped my hair off in atleast a year. And then the day came, a think I scared a few people with my adopted dramatics. First it was something close to a break-up, thanks to me being me and that guy, getting scared and freaking out I think. So I go to my room and my roommate, she is sleeping. There is a red light in my room and I look pretty psychotic under that light ( no Iam not psychotic, Iam small kid. I was just fond of dramatics. Well, I played lady Macbeth at my old college theatre before dropping out, duh ) So yeah, I spoke and spoke and spoke like a madwoman, changing tracks. Now if I imagine I see how twisted that might have looked. She got scared and rushed to another friend's house. What would I do now? Yup. Walked to the terrace with a scissor. And chopped my hair. I cut it so perfectly, I guess I learnt to cut well over life.

February 2020. Okay I was literally in murder mode. My college conducts a shitty Campaign without any fucking reason or effect. Things got maddening because I have a professor, a HOD whose purpose was to make my life tough, yeah just like those high school dramas. Now, I had spent weeks to prepare a documentary film because I wanted to be productive and prove myself to myself kind of stuff. After waiting for hours to get an approval and get it done, it was almost done. Now comes in my laptop, the bitch. My laptop decides to malfunction 10 minutes before the screening and that HOD said she wouldn't let me screen an older version. I had no lap and those who had a lap had no software. Stranded was that moment. Didn't know who to ask, and yeah thanks to treacherous emotions, came a waterfall down my face. Now someone comes and asks if I want help from that ex ( if I can call that ). It was an option but I knew what he'd have done. Laughed at my face or just run away. Wrong option. I went to another classmate who was freaking shit. Wrong option again. Tried to fix my laptop. Fucking wrong option. The campaign ended and I failed. A friend came home and stared at me in horror when I cut my hair. Good option for once.

May 2020. Okay. This time no reasons and shit. It was a week before my birthday I think. And for no reason I cut my hair to the shortest it has been in a decade. Just below my neck. It was so satisfactory to see my grandma shout.Was a comically awesome day. Okay. End of story. Maybe it's not a myth that women cut their hair off in anger. I just tell myself 'sweetie next time just leave your hair alone...' and myself tells me 'ennamo cut panna mudi irukra Maari dhan pesura? Okay sleep and let people sleep ( it's going to be my new slogan now )

Over drama va dha irukomo? Seri irupom .


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