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Writer's pictureThe K Cafe

It is time. Against a dark future.

This time, I beg y'all. Read this.

It is time to wake up from a life-long haze we have been in, with only a short vision and completely missing out the big picture. Just as we have done it yet and again, as we always do, now in the case of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Where we should begin is by thinking if it is just an isolated event and where and why it all begins. Because nothing that happens is a spontaneous event and everything happens in calculated precision, at all times calculated by those who has the potential to profit out of it : a.k.a. the Government (a puppet for higher powers). Now, can we, in our most experienced self believe the government which has shown its colors a multiple times through the years, so much that its etched in our hearts to never trust the government?. This isn’t a conspiracy theory article nor one penned to beg you to open your eyes to the inconsistencies of the lies being fed to us and the illusion we are so immersed in. There are already million people trying to do exactly that.

What we see now is the pandemic and not the global economic changes about to happen behind that screen. One thing for sure : life changes after all this. It is never going to be same again.

This is something to push you to act. To play an actual role in this game of chess, to cease being just a pawn. Now, the Corona virus pandemic. While I totally agree that a nation wide shut down can stop the spread, halting life of the common man and leaving millions stranded to the roads, justifying it with “we are saving lives from Corona” is not okay. Now, this effort to save lives should have started way earlier so as to achieving that goal and subsequently preventing this shut down. On the other hand what happens because of this shut down? An economic loss beyond imagination, only for the common man (the rich survive), a loss of livelihood for millions on the street. Doesn’t this look like a perfect opportunity to blame every loss in economy on the corona and close the case?

There is a strong possibility of the following happening in the next few months/years and what we need to be actually preparing for in the time of idleness granted upon us.

1.There is a huge possibility of a global demonetization and an introduction of a new global currency in the world’s market. This means no cash in hand is safe and has to be deposited in the bank now.

2.The catch in depositing the money in the bank is the possibility that the money could be taken away in a blink of an eye ( a.k.a an immediately effective legally binding act that would list out the economic losses due to the pandemic and the loss of bank liquidity, and hence brings the deposits to a value of zero. Henceforth, you get nothing and would lose everything : cash and money.

3.The abduction of all temple-lands and being handed over to corporate companies for a so called highly productive farming. This would result in over exploitation of the land, loss of water resources and possibly poisoning finally rendering it useless, after which they would come for common people owned ‘Patta’ land.

4.The military might soon be instigated to control the public during the control measures. This means, the situation is getting tougher than we can imagine. There would be no proper law, justice or protection for any minor to major crimes. Burglars and robberies would be high in a situation when there are no available stores/supplies.

5.A vaccination might be made mandatory for all public, and the fact that ‘law should not direct what enters a human body against will’ would be negated.

6.Several industries would take a severe hit and unemployment due to a lack in need of services. Particularly: entertainment sectors like cinema, Publishing, Luxury and Design. What has existed all along would exist, but nothing new. Art as a business takes a serious hit as people look for survival and not entertainment.

What we must do:

1.Spend money/ transfer the state of liquid money into assets that cannot be taken away i.e., Land (farming land). and not gold (which is a valueless pice of metal right now)

2.Convert all liquid money into products that ensure a basic life in the lands that are acquired like solar panels, a basic shed/ house to live in, a valve type manually operating bucket pump that can be used to obtain water from borewells incase of electricity loss.

3.Pack your bags, an emergency bag with only the necessities.

4.The best time to leave to this safe place is when the network connection gets cut off. 5.The moment communication is cut off, you know its time to leave and its no longer safe. (this may sound like a pretentious article and over exaggerated, but we can never put past anything when it comes to the government.

6.Start buying seeds for planting and farming supplies, as there is a law to be effect in the future that might prohibit the buying of seeds.

7.The only way to not get into the system is to stay away, and stay sustainable which cannot happen until we grow our food ourselves.

8. Reconsider career and survival. People who want to be writers, think for whom you are going to write for. People aspiring to be writers, think who is going to see your film. People who want to designers, and all other luxury product producers, think of your market. Think of what you can do to live : produce food yourself. It's not a failure of your talent. It's just the failure of it all, as a whole. It can be said that millions of us wouldn't have the resources to create such a place to survive, but if the situation comes in after three months of this date, its safe to say that I might have one place ready and you are all welcome. To family and friends, my love and a wish that you all be safe.


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