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Writer's pictureThe K Cafe

On the art of moving on.

Was talking to an old friend as I realised something. People generally associate the idea of moving on to just relationships and I think it's half baked.

Moving on is the point when you become accepting of what is. It's not just accepting it, but accepting it with joy. It happens all life actually. It happens when someone dies, when you move away to a new place. When you leave school and to college. When you leave college and get to work. It happens when you no longer see the same faces, the friends that you see daily. It's not that you don't love them or you don't find that place comfortable anymore. It's just that, you accept things can change and distance doesn't change anything, not even the six feet between life and death. You move on from parents, from family, from friends too at a point.

By the time the next person in my life dies, I think I'll be a master in the art of moving on, of letting go. I almost think I am now. Time will only tell. I had thought that time will not help, not make any difference at all to me. But, damn. I have to say, time is magic. If it doesn't heal, it atleast calms things down, soothes you.

But the most important thing every person will have to move on is from themselves. They have to move on from their own childhood, their own experience of teenage, of a carefree life. They have to move on from themselves before anything.

You know why everyone thinks it's a difficult process to go through? It's because people in general are terrified of change. They can't handle even a fraction of the change from what life used to be, that they resist it and give it a name called moving on.

To be honest, nothing like that even exists in reality. when you say you have moved on from the person who died last month, you don't mean that you have moved on from the love you have for the person. There is no tense in it. There's no loved in a past tense. What it means is that you have accepted that people die, things change and you are at peace with the fact that they are no longer there and life will go on. And life will be beautiful, after all.

Oh my god. Have I become an optimistic person? Damn this will ruin my life over again and in new ways. But I have moved into a farmhouse, and the atmosphere is heavy with silence and wind. Nothing to do but realize that I hate too much peace. Too much peace is heavy to bear. It's horrible. What another duality to experience?

Oh and back to hating my sister. Shit. Not again.


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